Adela小姐是生长于美国的华裔高中二年级学生。就读于麻省最好的公立学校之一:Westford Academy. 各门功课都在Honor及AP班(各科课程的特快班)里名列前茅。她高中课程跨两州就读,这使她对美国的学校系统有着更广更深的认识。她英语和普通话流利,此外还有五年的法语经验。 高中一年级Adela小姐就参加了美国大学入学考试而且取得了2260分的好成绩(满分2400分)。她因此得到多所名牌大学的入学预邀请。Adela从小得到良好的音乐教育。钢琴和大提琴都有相当水平。
Adela小姐这次暑假来广州探亲希望有机会利用英语教学的方式与国内中学生有近距离的接触以增进了解。这次来广州她准备开两个班:一个给高中生的高级班和一个给初中生的初级班。小班教学以保证每个学生得到充分的个人训练。每班人数不超过15人。 课程历时两周,每周五天,每天三小时。教学内容包括口语,听力,习惯用语, 日常英语, 文化浸润, 词汇,语法等。课程的主要目的是通过两周的强化学习让学生们直接接触到地道的美国英语从而认识到与书本英语的差别。课程还将涉及美国大学入学考试SAT的内容。整个课程全英语教学。
Free English Crash Course in Guang Zhou
Major Topics:
Oral English
Aural English
Idiomatic Expressions
Everyday English
Cultural Immersion
To help students improve their fluency in English, to help them learn real spoken English, and to expose them to American culture.
The course will help students stray away from the ‘textbook English’. Students will be required to converse in English and will be exposed to American speech habits and expressions rather than the awkward textbook-based word-by-word formalities. This course will aid in improving both aural and oral English fluency and would be perfect for those interested in traveling to any English speaking country.
The class will expose the students to American pop culture and will function similar to a language class in the U.S. The class will be small with a maximum of fifteen students in order to insure a more personal interaction between peers and between the peer and the teacher. This class will take place five days a week for three hours per day and will be separated into two levels.
Everyday English (I)—Targets the junior high level for students ages 11—14
Everyday English (II)—Targets the high school level for students ages 14—18
Cost: Free
Anyone motivated to learn is welcome to attend the class. The course will be guaranteed to be both a fun and educational experience. If you have any questions, email me at SazureKY@gmail.com. To access this information online, visit http://www.freewebs.com/eeccourse/ I look forward to seeing you!
Adela Bai
Application for EECC
Name: ______________ (Chinese or English name. If Chinese, write in Ping yin)
Age: ______ School Name: ____________________________ Sex: M F (circle one)
Phone Number ____________________ Email Address ________________________
Desired Course Level: Upper / Lower (This does not guarantee your placement. Course level will be determined using this application as a basis.)
What are your interests?
What do you hope to accomplish by attending Everyday English Crash Course?
What are your expectations for the course?
Finished form to be submitted to SazureKY@gmail.com |