Re: 防盗门指纹锁,让您过上不用钥匙的轻松日子!!
A climate change study released on Dec. 14 predicted the world's coral reef systems, including Australia's Great Barrier Reef, could start collapsing within 30 years if the effects of global warming are not reversed.
The Great Barrier Reef, off northern Queensland, would be one of the first casualties as oceans became too acidic for coral to grow because of carbon dioxide emissions created by the burning of fossil fuels, ABC Radio reported, citing the study published in the journal Science.
"We need rapid reductions in carbon dioxide levels," said Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, a University of Queensland professor and a lead author of the study produced by a team of 17 international marine scientists.
The study found carbon emissions were boosting acidity so much that sea water covering 98 percent of all coral reefs may be too acidic by 2050 for some corals to live, while others may survive but be unable to build reefs. |