Re: [b]英语班学习园地 - 班级有些微调整啦[M02] [/b]
QUOTE Created By 自由居士 At 2006-7-4
Initially for the reason to improve my oral English, I join this class.By now,beyond the class,I think I got more.
First make freinds of course,I like my group,I really enjoy the time we spend together.Each time we talked a lot ,aroud many topic, from cooking to family issue, we shared the experience of ourselves.
And we read ,sang the English song .
The study is not so boring now, Each time just like a tea break,with laugh and smile.Till now I can feel each one of the group has maken improvements,no matter how many,a liittle or more.
Most important thing is that we have a good teacher.
Here I do thank for Miao ,for her comfortable home and good tasty tea;and Michel ,her morning call;Happy nut,really happy girl.
So ,please join this class ,it is really the better way to enjoy English.
[M21] I was so touched by your speech [M29] It's really a big time for all of us ! |