Re: Jargons with Distinctive Chinese Characteristics 中国特色的行话
1. 一支笔审批
one-chop approval; one chop
2. 淘淘吧很精明
Tao Tao Bar is savvy.
3. 皮包公司
bubble company; speculation company; long firm
4. 下海
take the plunge into business
5. 菜篮子工程
shopping basket project
vegetable basket program
non-staple food project
6. 不正之风
unhealthy tendency
7. 拉关系
seek favor
8. 坚持两手抓
grasp the two links at the same time;
attach equal importance to both economic and ideological and cultural advancement
9. 精神文明
ideological, intellectual, moral and civic education;
ideological and cultural progress
10. 拳头产品
premium quality product
touch ball; edge ball
12. 菜鸟
green hand
13. 八荣八耻
Eight Honors & Eight Disgraces
14. 奔小康
strive for a relatively comfortable life
worse off than some, better off than many;
to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst |