Re: Intel 内部裁员邮件 - good material for English studying
This week we’re taking an important and difficult step in our efficiency project: reducing the number of Intel managers by about 1,000 people worldwide. Only managers, ranging from senior to first-line, are affected.This step is important because it addresses a key problem we’ve found in our efficiency analysis—slow and ineffective decision-making, resulting, in part, from too many management layers. It is difficult because the managers who will leave the company are our colleagues and friends, and since we have limited internal job opportunities, redeploying their skills is not a viable option.
本周,基于贯彻“改善效率项目”的精神,我们作出了一个重要且痛苦的决定:既在公司全球范围内裁减1000个经理职位,这个决定影响到从公司高管到一线经理的各个层面。这是一个非常重要的决定,因为在我们进行效率分析后,我们发现了一个很大的问题-决策过程的缓慢和没有效率,而这个问题大多产生于我们太多的经理决策层面。同样这也是一个令人感到痛苦的决定,因为所有这些即将离开的经理也是我们的同事和朋友,但由于缺少足够的内部调整机会,使得在公司内部另行安排他们的工作不是一个现实的选择。 |