Re: Chinese Idiom and Popular Saying 中国成语、俗语
1. 八字没一撇
Not even the first stroke of the character is in sight;
Nothing tangible is yet in sight.
2. 班门弄斧
teach one's grandma to suck eggs.
3. 逼上梁山
be driven to do sth
4. 不眠之夜
white night
5. 不以物喜,不以己悲
not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses
6. 不遗余力
spare no effort; go all out; do one's best
7. 才疏学浅
be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge
8. 拆东墙补西墙
rob Peter to pay Paul
9. 唱对台戏
put on a rival show
10. 长江后浪推前浪, 一代更比一代强
As in the Yangtze river, the waves behind ride on the ones before: The new generation excels the old.
11. 趁热打铁
make hay while the sun shines; strike while the iron is hot
12. 客随主便
A guest should suit the convenience of the host (hostess)
We are in your hand; (当面对主人说)
We are at your mercy(当面对主人说)
13. 主随客便
The host will do as the guest pleases
Whatever you say. (当面对客人说)
14. 成事在天,谋事在人
The planning lies with man, the outcome with heaven.
Man proposes, God disposes.
15. 请多多关照
I would appreciate your support (care) in future. |