
标题: 瞎谈:Some English idioms [打印本页]

作者: zhms    时间: 2006-3-4 10:32
标题: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
瞎谈:Some English idioms

at first blush
:at the first glimpse or impression.

at one's wit's end
:at a loss as means to solve a problem

axe to grind
:grievance to express, complaint, "a bone to pick"
但have an axe to grind也有另一说,这里有个故事,说的是富兰克林幼年时,在院子里遇到一个带有斧头的陌生人,那人称赞院子里那个磨石很好,想看看它好不好使,便花言巧语的让他转动磨石,而那人就在上面磨利自己的斧头。
作者: zhms    时间: 2006-3-4 10:45
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
beat around the bush
: speak indirectly, avoid directly discussing the issue, talk in a roundabout way without addressing the problem
我们说打草惊蛇,打草的目的是惊蛇,看来老外有时候还真是性子直,居然说你这么是在绕弯子(拐弯抹角/ 旁敲侧击/ 兜圈子)了,难道直接就去打蛇么? 呵呵。

break the ice
:get past the uncomfortable feeling that exists between people who don't know each other

chip off the old block
:child who strongly resembles one of his parents in either appearance or behavior
作者: tanya    时间: 2006-3-4 11:39
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
有意思 [M29]

看来LZ最近是要把英语和德语一网打尽了 [M05]
作者: gggg    时间: 2006-3-4 13:51
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
I don't think when people talking they like to use these "Idioms",hehe.
作者: zhms    时间: 2006-3-18 19:33
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
firstly, it could be up to who u are talking with & what u are talking about. if u just talk with ur domestic friends and ur compassionate colleagues, very possibly, u are RIGHT.

secondly, english is not just a chat-chat-chat thing. at least, there are many to read.

in fact, just like what we do in chinese, even in everyday trivial chat, u'll encounter bunch of idioms. will a foreigner really understand ""一表人材"", "太阳晒屁股了" , "十三点" or even "大脑短路了" without working on it?

anyway, a foreigner will be forgived when he/she don't understand the idioms, or mostly he won't be placed to the situation.

QUOTE Created By gggg At 2006-3-4
I don't think when people talking they like to use these "Idioms",hehe.

作者: E.T.    时间: 2006-3-18 20:49
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
QUOTE Created By zhms At 2006-3-18
firstly, it could be up to who u are talking with & what u are talking about. if u just talk with ur domestic friends and ur compassionate colleagues, very possibly, the answer is YES.

secondly, english is not just a chat-chat-chat thing. at least, there are many to read.

in fact, just like what we do in chinese, even in everyday trivial chat, u'll encounter bunch of idioms. will a foreigner really understand ""大脑短路了"", "太阳晒屁股了" , "十三点" or even "大脑短路了" without working on it?

anyway, a foreigner will be forgived when he/she don't understand the idioms, or mostly he won't be placed to the situation.

[quote]QUOTE Created By gggg At 2006-3-4
I don't think when people talking they like to use these "Idioms",hehe.

[M04] [M04]
作者: zhms    时间: 2006-3-18 20:56
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
QUOTE Created By E.T. At 2006-3-18
[quote]QUOTE Created By zhms At 2006-3-18
firstly, it could be up to who u are talking with & what u are talking about. if u just talk with ur domestic friends and ur compassionate colleagues, very possibly, the answer is YES.

secondly, english is not just a chat-chat-chat thing. at least, there are many to read.

in fact, just like what we do in chinese, even in everyday trivial chat, u'll encounter bunch of idioms. will a foreigner really understand ""大脑短路了"", "太阳晒屁股了" , "十三点" or even "大脑短路了" without working on it?

anyway, a foreigner will be forgived when he/she don't understand the idioms, or mostly he won't be placed to the situation.

[quote]QUOTE Created By gggg At 2006-3-4
I don't think when people talking they like to use these "Idioms",hehe.

[M04] [M04][/quote]
作者: 沧海一声笑    时间: 2006-3-18 21:03
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms

作者: gggg    时间: 2006-3-19 14:16
标题: Re: 瞎谈:Some English idioms
QUOTE Created By zhms At 2006-3-18
firstly, it could be up to who u are talking with & what u are talking about. if u just talk with ur domestic friends and ur compassionate colleagues, very possibly, u are RIGHT.

secondly, english is not just a chat-chat-chat thing. at least, there are many to read.

in fact, just like what we do in chinese, even in everyday trivial chat, u'll encounter bunch of idioms. will a foreigner really understand ""一表人材"", "太阳晒屁股了" , "十三点" or even "大脑短路了" without working on it?

anyway, a foreigner will be forgived when he/she don't understand the idioms, or mostly he won't be placed to the situation.

[quote]QUOTE Created By gggg At 2006-3-4
I don't think when people talking they like to use these "Idioms",hehe.
keep go on! I didn't mean the "english idiods" is not useful or not important, I just tried to express my "hehe" meanings.

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