1、 How are you doing?
2、 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our channel!
3、 You're the most beautiful girl that l've ever met in China.
4、 Reports say 67 persons are dead and 34 persons survive after hijackers attempted to survive an Iraqi passenger plane.
(2)美式发音特别魅力 2: 连音略音密无间
1、 Thank you! 谢谢!
2、 I like it。我喜欢。
3、 I'll be back in half an hour. 我半小时内回来。
4、 I love you for ever! 我永远爱你!
5、 I saw beautiful flower here and there。 我看见到处都是美丽的鲜花。
6、 East come. (东信集团在中央电视台播放的英文广告。)
7、Get down, get down! And move it all around。 (BSB后街男孩演唱曲)
8、Shut up your big mouth. I don't want to talk to you, man!
对中国人来说,[ θ ]和[ ]也许是最困难的两个发音,因为在汉语发音中根
本就没有咬舌音[ θ ]和[ ],所以咬舌音成了许多学员的难点发音。例如:
1、 Father and mother, I want something to eat.
2、 Thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty three.
3、 Thank you for everything.
4、 Sometimes we think so just because other people thought so.
5、We are through! (我们出线啦!咬舌头欢呼世界杯!)
"咬舌音"的技巧动作并不难,其特点为:舌尖伸出来,置于两齿之间,作"夏天的小狗"状,然后送气发音-----事实上,很多人都可以把发音部位和动作讲得非常清楚,可舌头就是死活伸不出来。然而真正的困难并不在于此。在培训中还发现,有些学员在单独练习[ θ ]和[ ]音时,并不觉特别困难,但是当咬舌音与其它音连在一起的时候,他们就会觉得非常痛苦,感觉"有力使不上",例如单词:that, think, nothing.,特别当碰到像three这种"高难度"动作:舌尖伸出来,完成[ θ ]或[ ]音后,接着舌尖快速回到口腔,连续完成两个发音[ θ ]和[ ],整个过程要一气呵成,不留任何痕迹,很多学员更觉得"嘴忙舌乱",一筹莫展!
-------根源在于缺乏强化训练! "懂得说"与"会说" 永远是两回事!刻苦操练是最终致胜的法宝!在情感英语集训营里,很多学员经过"超强度"的练习, 彻底把"中国舌头"变成了"美国舌头",运用起来轻松自如,随心所欲。下面两个 "咬舌音"绕口令,难度很大,很多美国人都"玩不转",你愿意试一下吗?
(1)I though a thought, But the thought I thought wasn't the thought. If the thought I thought had been the thought thought. I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much..
(2)That that is, is; that that is not; is not; but that that is not, is not that that is; nor is that that is that that is not.
出处:TK STUDIO作者: Eddie 时间: 2004-2-1 23:28 标题: Re: 美国口语发音 Sean, or whoever out there...
I think it is not so "sensible" to spend time thinking about whether you're speaking/using American English or not.
Simply, use good English! Learn what the Englishmen or American learn from and do it well. Don't be a slave and follow so-called trends. Have some dignity and learn well.
We Chinese should not, I repeat, should not follow somebody's social usage pattern and then think comfortably that you are using some kind of "authentic language" and feel great about that. That is stupid to think so or do so!! In fact, when you try hard to say/speak/write the American way, you just tell the world that you do know what language learning is all about and, and you are taking a "slavery way" and let the bloody American to have the full right to judge you, to say whether you are "right" or "wrong" and he, who happens to be an American may turn out to be a lousy language user himself!
You can read Time, learn writings from Newsweek but don't take American English as trendy or whatsoever.
Look into the language itself (English, German, French or else) - it has life as such (meaning structure by itself). Learn it well and you don't need any bloody Americans nor British guys to tell you how right you are... All it takes - be a good learner!
I hate to see Chinese turning out to be slave learners - let me summarize - fuck the trends, fuck the Americans - be a good user and if you're not good enough, don't be an English teacher, don't try to teach people how to learn English.
Just try hard to learn with the right attitude and the right method and at the end of the day, let the whole world judge your English (language) standard - see if you can be an English broadcaster in a foreign country, whether you can acquire a position of corporate communication role in a multi-national company, or be regarded as a good marketing copywriter, or be an English writer online/offline in esteemed publications etc etc..
That's it and let's forget about being American or not! Don't waste time or dignity on learning from the stupid Americans!!!!!! Go, go learning good English, good international English...
Sorry but I need to throw this point out - it's so important!!
作者: li li wang 时间: 2004-2-6 12:53 标题: Re: 美国口语发音 eddie 说的很对,沟通第一,研究第二。好用的语言就是好工具。(祝大家新年新气象哦!)