
标题: Action English [打印本页]

作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-19 22:32
标题: Action English
作者: 兴高彩烈    时间: 2005-6-19 22:33
标题: Re: Action English
[M11] ,原先evens开过一样的帖子,很久不更新了不过。
作者: 沧海一声笑    时间: 2005-6-19 22:37
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By 兴高彩烈 At 2005-6-19
[M11] ,原先evens开过一样的帖子,很久不更新了不过。

很久 不更新了 不过。
很久 不 更新了 不过。
很 久不更新了 不过。
很久不 更新了 不过。

作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-19 22:37
标题: Re: Action English
1、third wheel 多余的东西,电灯泡
My Dad felt like a third wheel in the kithen,because he doesn't know how to cook.
2、on to 识破
I want to keep the birthday present a secret, but I think she is on to me.
3、take it on the chin 忍气吞声
When he was fired for no reason, he took it on the chin and looked for another job.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-19 22:38
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By 兴高彩烈 At 2005-6-19
[M11] ,原先evens开过一样的帖子,很久不更新了不过。

作者: 兴高彩烈    时间: 2005-6-19 22:39
标题: Re: Action English


我也很久没看了, [M30]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-19 22:44
标题: Re: Action English
1、a power trip 自我膨胀
It was a power trip for Tim when all his classmates began to ask him to help them with their homework.
When the employer is on a power trip,he thinks it gives him the right to be rude to everyone that works for him.
2、see someone's moves 看。。。的表现
The cameraman told the model he wanted to see her moves for the music video.
He loved going to night clubs because all the girls could see his moves on the dance floor.
3、on the spot 立刻,当场
When the boy told his girlfriend that he had cheated on her,she broke up with him on the spot.
作者: skywalker2000    时间: 2005-6-19 23:03
标题: Re: Action English
[M21] ,鼓励一下.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-19 23:07
标题: Re: Action English
1、natural 天才
Heis a natural sportsman,he never trains but still does very well.
3、on a roll 很顺利
I'm on a roll today.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-20 19:42
标题: Re: Action English
1、do the honors 帮忙(强调很多人想干,偏偏挑中了你的荣幸)
e.g.1 : Why don't you do the honors and open the bottle of champagne for us all?
e.g.2 I'll do the honors and open the present.
2、undercover work 秘密工作
e.g.1: The police have to work undercover to capture the drug dealers.
e.g.2: James Bond works undercover to get secret information from his enemies.
3、so long 再见(常用于短期内不再见面的情况下)
e.g.1: I'll see you when you return to Beijing.So long.
e.g.2: Take care and so long.I hope you have a good trip.
作者: 枫叶之儒    时间: 2005-6-21 01:16
标题: Re: Action English
[M29] [M29] [M25]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-21 19:41
标题: Re: Action English
6月21日 大雨
1、throw it all away 浪费机会
e.g.1: He was a great success until he threw it all away gambling.
e.g.2: You could do so much with your life.So don't quit school and throw it all away.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-21 19:44
标题: Re: Action English
2、 till the end of somebody's days 直到死的那天,一生
e.g.1: He lived in the same apartment till the end of his days.
e.g.2: My grandparents were married till the end of their days. 我爷爷奶奶白头偕老。
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-21 19:56
标题: Re: Action English
3、low profile 低调
我的某位同学有一句口头禅:我很低调的!另外一句是:我不选贤惠的女孩子。有一天不知哪条神经出了毛病,跑去问老师,低调和贤惠怎么说。老师说低调是low profile,贤惠没有equivalent,只能意译。他老人家于是得出一个结论:为什么没有贤惠这个词儿,因为外国根本没有贤惠的女孩啊! [M04]
e.g.1: I was late for work today.I should keep a low profile so the boss doesn't notice.
e.g.2: Dave's keeping a low profile until his exam is over. He really wants a good grade.
作者: E.T.    时间: 2005-6-21 20:55
标题: Re: Action English
MM [M21]
作者: evens    时间: 2005-6-22 09:57
标题: Re: Action English
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-22 19:51
标题: Re: Action English
今晚回家晚了,没赶上American Slang,只看了"精彩对白"。继续奉上:
1、hand it to ya =congratulations(ya就是you,是口语化的说法,把手伸向你不正是祝贺你的意思么?)
e.g.1: I have to hand it to ya. I mean that is a great party.
e.g.2: I don't know how you can meet so many girls.I have to hand it to ya.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-22 19:55
标题: Re: Action English
2、come through 帮大忙,通常用过去式
e.g.1: My brother really came through when he lent me mony to pay for college.
e.g.2: Thanks for driving me to work this morning.You really came through.I would have been late.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-6-22 19:56
标题: Re: Action English
外卖快到了吧? [M11] 肚子好饿啊 [M08]
作者: 旧雨    时间: 2005-6-22 21:09
标题: Re: Action English
[M36] [M37]
[M01] [M29]
作者: Rinkoo    时间: 2005-8-1 21:43
标题: Re: Action English
请问是那一台, 我也想学英语?
作者: tangcr    时间: 2005-8-1 22:03
标题: Re: Action English
[M29] [M29] 正好来学习
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-1 22:22
标题: Re: Action English
沉底已久的帖子居然被翻出来了 [M04]
说来惭愧,虽然一直坚持做笔记,但是因为不是天天上网,加上打字很麻烦(顺便说一句,本人很懒 [M24] ),所以把这帖子闲置一边,既然大家有兴趣,那我把笔记的内容补上吧。我也趁此机会温故而知新。
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-1 22:32
标题: Re: Action English
1、piss away =waste 浪费,挥霍
I could have gone to Sydney,but I pissed all my money away gambling.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-1 22:35
标题: Re: Action English
2、give someone one's blessing 祝福,认可
They wanted to get married,so I gave them my blessing. They make a lovely couple.
When she quit her job for a better one,I gave her my blessing. It was a good opportunity for her.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-1 22:38
标题: Re: Action English
3、never look back=never regret one's decisions 永不后悔
After I moved to Beijing,I never looked back. I love it here.
I quit the band and never looked back.I made it as a rock star on my own.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-2 20:53
标题: Re: Action English
1、got it?=understand? 这是个使用频率很高的俚语,看看例句
I can't quite seem to get this maths problem.
I want you to come home right after school,got it?
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-2 20:55
标题: Re: Action English
2、keep track of time 掌控时间
I have to be somewher at 8 pm,so I'd better keep track of the time.
Joe can't keep track of time and he is often late for important meetings.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-2 20:57
标题: Re: Action English
3、 slip away 溜走
I think I'm going to slip away from this party tonight so that I can have a good rest.
As we get older,time seems to slip away much faster.
作者: E.T.    时间: 2005-8-2 21:17
标题: Re: Action English
MM!加油,並繼續鼓勵 [M21]
作者: E.T.    时间: 2005-8-2 21:18
标题: Re: Action English
來個每日一句 [M05]
作者: L.T.    时间: 2005-8-2 21:24
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By E.T. At 2005-8-2
來個每日一句 [M05]

作者: 兴高彩烈    时间: 2005-8-2 21:34
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By Rinkoo At 2005-8-1
请问是那一台, 我也想学英语?

作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-4 12:34
标题: Re: Action English
从天而降的大石头把我砸晕了。 [M10]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-4 20:15
标题: Re: Action English
1、how come=why
有一次,我告诉朋友一位同事很有女孩缘,出去玩的时候,女孩子都争着和他照相。他很不服气的说——How come you girls rushed to take photos with him?Is he good-looking?分明是嫉妒嘛。 [M04]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-4 20:20
标题: Re: Action English
2、pass away =die 委婉说法,就像我们不说某人死了,而说某人过去了一样
Jeff's grandparents passed away last year in an auto accident.(车祸。又学了一新词儿。)
Tom was very sad after his dog passed away.(可见是爱狗如命的人)
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-4 20:22
标题: Re: Action English
3、a master's=a master's degree 硕士学位
I'm thinking about going back to school to get my master's.
He has a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and a master's in Art History.
作者: james    时间: 2005-8-5 14:30
标题: Re: Action English
[M29] [M29]

作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-6 17:49
标题: Re: Action English
[M23] 辛苦,希望可以帮到对英语感兴趣的同学。
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-6 17:51
标题: Re: Action English
1、look out照顾
I have three older brothers who looked out for me.
Lily is thankful to have such good friends who always look out for her.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-6 17:55
标题: Re: Action English
2、call for sb. 找某人
call for sth. 预测
B: Yes,I'm calling for Ann.Is she there?
They are calling for rain tomorrow, so I don't think we will be able to visit the zoo.
作者: 旧雨    时间: 2005-8-7 01:05
标题: Re: Action English
[M29] [M44]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-9 21:56
标题: Re: Action English
1、work on 提高
You play tennis very well,but I think you should work on your backhand stroke.(反手抽击)
讲到这里,顺便说一下,网球中的正手击球叫forehand stroke,发球叫serve.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-9 21:58
标题: Re: Action English
2、hold it =stop, don't continue
Hold it!This bottle is leaking. Use a different one.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-9 22:00
标题: Re: Action English
3、ditch 抛弃,甩掉
如 ditch sb. ,ditch sth.
那天的状态想必不佳,很多例句都没有记下来 [M24]
作者: evens    时间: 2005-8-10 14:53
标题: Re: Action English
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-8-13 11:28
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-8-9
3、ditch 抛弃,甩掉
如 ditch sb. ,ditch sth.
那天的状态想必不佳,很多例句都没有记下来 [M24]

作者: carboy    时间: 2005-8-13 17:18
标题: Re: Action English
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-15 21:09
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By carboy At 2005-8-13

My pleasure.
作者: 旧雨    时间: 2005-8-15 21:11
标题: Re: Action English
过来啦? [M25]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-15 21:12
标题: Re: Action English
1、drop in 顺便拜访
Drop in whenever you're in Haidian.I'd love to see you.
My best friend lives in this neighbourhood.Let's drop in on her.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-15 21:13
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By 旧雨 At 2005-8-15
过来啦? [M25]

刚来。好多天不见了。怪想的。 [M24] 拥抱一下先。 [M43]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-15 21:16
标题: Re: Action English
2、have sth. in mind 脑海里已有计划、想法
A: Do you want to go out tonight?
B:Sure.What do you have in mind?
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-15 21:20
标题: Re: Action English
3、beat it 滚开(很粗暴的用法,淑女不要轻易用喔 [M04] )
Can you please tell your dog to beat it?I'm allergic to (对。。。过敏)dogs.
作者: 旧雨    时间: 2005-8-15 21:33
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-8-15
[quote]QUOTE Created By 旧雨 At 2005-8-15
过来啦? [M25]

刚来。好多天不见了。怪想的。 [M24] 拥抱一下先。 [M43][/quote]

拥抱怎讲? [M25] [M04]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-8-15 21:40
标题: Re: Action English
非bear hug 不足以形容此抱之热烈也。 [M29]
作者: 旧雨    时间: 2005-8-15 21:42
标题: Re: Action English
bear hug

[M04] [M43] [M29]
作者: 寻找    时间: 2005-9-4 10:51
标题: Re: Action English
很虚幻的世界,很喜欢action english,以前是因为喜爱电影,后来是喜欢看主持人,你们都喜欢他吗?
我是动机不纯啊,看了你的帖子,不禁想回一句,是你太煽情,(用沧海一声笑 [M06] .呜呜......
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-5 14:36
标题: Re: Action English
it's so good, why stop? would you(LZ)pls continue?
作者: zhouling    时间: 2005-9-7 12:45
标题: Re: Action English
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-11 18:12
标题: Re: Action English
Thank you for your attention. I have been invovled in a so-called important exam.Now it is finished, and I can focus on my Action English. [M29]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-11 18:16
标题: Re: Action English
I've got to go,will be right back!
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-12 12:28
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-9-11
Thank you for your attention. I have been invovled in a so-called important exam.Now it is finished, and I can focus on my Action English. [M29]

very nice to hear you will continue your action English, I like it so much.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-12 21:28
标题: Re: Action English
1、there is much more to sb./sth. than that 某人/事不是那么简单
John looks like a dumb athlete,but there's much more to him than that. He also has a law degree from Princeton and is a good painter.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-12 21:30
标题: Re: Action English
Many people expect Sue to be naive because she grew up in the countryside, but there is much more to her than that.She has traveled all over the world.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-12 21:35
标题: Re: Action English
2、 offensive 大规模的进攻(注意:这是个名词,不是形容词)
During the war,Japanese launched a large offensive to the south and were able to catch Singapore.
Napoleon's offensive against Russia in 1812 failed because of the cold winter.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-12 21:38
标题: Re: Action English
3、in full retreat 全线撤退
They were trying to climb to the top of the mountain, but when the storm came, they had to make a full retreat and get back to the camp.
The company tried to open branches in America, but it has been in full retreat since it lost millions of dollars.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-14 20:34
标题: Re: Action English
1、high stakes 生死攸关
The company is playing for high stakes, if the takeover bid goes well then they'll make a huge amount of money, if not, they might go bankrupt.
It's high stakes for the Beijing team in tonight's game.If they win, they can make it to the finals. If they lose, it'll be the end of this season.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-14 20:37
标题: Re: Action English
2、lodge a complaint 提出诉讼,起诉。是比较正式的说法。
The airline lost my bags so I had to lodge a complaint to make sure I got them back.
It is useless to lodge a complaint about the bad service at the bank.Nobody cares about the complait.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-14 20:42
标题: Re: Action English
3、do ... for a living 以。。。为生,从事。。。职业
I've been working as a writer for four years, so it's what I do for a living.
I enjoy being a gardener, but it's not much of a living. I only get paid RMB300 a month.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-21 21:18
标题: Re: Action English
1、今天的slang粉简单,是"cool"。cool者,酷也。我想就不用多举例子了,平时我们用得多了 [M01]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-21 21:20
标题: Re: Action English
2、could use a hand 需要帮助
Are you busy?I could use a hand with dinner.
Lisa is moving into her new apartment this weekend. Let's go help her. She could probably use a hand.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-21 21:22
标题: Re: Action English
如果我们问别人需不需要帮助,可以用need a hand?
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-21 21:25
标题: Re: Action English
3、it'll be fun while it lasts 过程是快乐的
Don't be sad about graduating from college. It'll be fun while it lasts.
Although true love might not last forever, it'll be fun while it lasts.
作者: evens    时间: 2005-9-25 14:10
标题: Re: Action English
1. hit somewhere=go somewhere 去什么地方
eg:I need to hit the bathroom before we leave the restaurant.
作者: evens    时间: 2005-9-25 14:22
标题: Re: Action English
2.Whatever you say. (新主持人的英文解释表述不清,而且只讲一遍,没记下英文解释)中文意思:你说得算。

A:Don't go to the new Italian restaurant.It's very bad.
B: Whatever you say.

Doctor: Take this medicine 3 times a day.
Patient: Whatever you say.
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-27 14:06
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By evens At 2005-9-25
2.Whatever you say. (新主持人的英文解释表述不清,而且只讲一遍,没记下英文解释)中文意思:你说得算。

A:Don't go to the new Italian restaurant.It's very bad.
B: Whatever you say.

Doctor: Take this medicine 3 times a day.
Patient: Whatever you say.

I think your English is quite good, I never have patience to learn like this, so my English is very rough, but I speak every day, my customer call me almost every day.
and you can speak Germany too, what other language you know?
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 20:29
标题: Re: Action English
疏于打理,真是不好意思 [M24] 。谢谢evens更新,谢谢hlec一直关注。 [M29] [M29] (一人一朵)
作者: E.T.    时间: 2005-9-27 20:31
标题: Re: Action English
[M29] [M29] [M29]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 20:35
标题: Re: Action English
1、cut someone some slack 放...一马,放松
My professor cut me some slack and didn't reduce my score for being late.
Please cut me some slack in the rope so I can untie the boat.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 20:48
标题: Re: Action English
2、stand someone up 失约,放某人鸽子
After she stood me up a second time, I never agreed to go on a date with her again.
作者: 自以为灯    时间: 2005-9-27 20:49
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-9-27
2、stand someone up 失约,放某人鸽子
After she stood me up a second time, I never agreed to go on a date with her again.

嘿嘿,正合偶目前用 [M07] [M04]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 20:52
标题: Re: Action English
顺便讲讲date这个词。date做"约会"这个意思讲时,可以做动词,如date someone 约会某人,也可以做名词,是1、约会;2、约会对象的意思,如1、I have a date tonight. 2、My date is meeting me at seven.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 20:54
标题: Re: Action English
Don't stand us up,Phil. We expect you at the staff meeting tomorrow.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 20:58
标题: Re: Action English
3、 will do =OK,I'll do it 照办
-Will you please file these papers?
-Will do, Mr. Weng.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 21:00
标题: Re: Action English
--Please don't forget to call me when you arrive.
--Will do. Talk to you soon.
作者: evens    时间: 2005-9-27 21:01
标题: Re: Action English
I like both English and movie ,so I like this TV program and often take notes .
I believe"Practice makes perfect."
作者: evens    时间: 2005-9-27 21:02
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-9-27
疏于打理,真是不好意思 [M24] 。谢谢evens更新,谢谢hlec一直关注。 [M29] [M29] (一人一朵)

收到小红花了 [M29] [M25]
作者: evens    时间: 2005-9-27 21:03
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By 自以为灯 At 2005-9-27
[quote]QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-9-27
2、stand someone up 失约,放某人鸽子
After she stood me up a second time, I never agreed to go on a date with her again.

嘿嘿,正合偶目前用 [M07] [M04][/quote]

学以致用的好mm [M25] [M24]
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-9-27 21:19
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By 自以为灯 At 2005-9-27
[quote]QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-9-27
2、stand someone up 失约,放某人鸽子
After she stood me up a second time, I never agreed to go on a date with her again.

嘿嘿,正合偶目前用 [M07] [M04][/quote]
别客气,拿去用吧 [M04]
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-28 12:22
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By evens At 2005-9-27
I like both English and movie ,so I like this TV program and often take notes .
I believe"Practice makes perfect."

not 100%, when I go to Jeddah Saudi Arabia, there's many indians and pakistans, and I can't understand when they talk with me in Arabic. they told me this is the language from market. different from the one we learn in the school.
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-28 12:23
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-9-27
疏于打理,真是不好意思 [M24] 。谢谢evens更新,谢谢hlec一直关注。 [M29] [M29] (一人一朵)

作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-28 12:26
标题: Re: Action English
QUOTE Created By libra girl At 2005-9-27
顺便讲讲date这个词。date做"约会"这个意思讲时,可以做动词,如date someone 约会某人,也可以做名词,是1、约会;2、约会对象的意思,如1、I have a date tonight. 2、My date is meeting me at seven.

date is very famous in middle east, specailly in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. every time I go there, I buy date. (椰枣)
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-28 15:31
标题: Re: Action English
Hi, evens and libra girl, I will make a mini English corner for you, I have customer from Canada, they will stay in the hotel near the west gate, so I will invite you for dinner there and practice, how do you think?
作者: hlec    时间: 2005-9-28 15:32
标题: Re: Action English
time: Oct. 24-29, I will find one day.
one of them are very fat and one of them are very tall.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-10-3 15:56
标题: Re: Action English
Sorry,hlec.I didn't see your invitation until now. I can't make a specific reply coz i would probably go on a vacation during the period you mentioned. Anyway, i would let you know if i am available [M05] .Wish you a good holiday [M29] .
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-10-3 16:07
标题: Re: Action English
放假喽,先祝大家节日快乐 [M29]
放假要好好休息,可是不要懒哦 [M05] 。该做的功课还是要做。把这几天的笔记给大家抄抄。
1、got a light? (男生要记住,狠有用的。特别是烟瘾犯了的时候 [M04] )有火吗?借个火?
OK,the candles are in the cake. Do you have a light?
I have some cigaettes. You got a light?
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-10-3 16:11
标题: Re: Action English
2、stick=put, place 搁,放
I stuck my hand out the window to see if it was raining.
Mom,can you stick my winter coat in the closet? I don't think I will need it again until next year.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-10-3 16:15
标题: Re: Action English
3、hilarious 逗,搞笑
Did you see that last episode of Pink Ladies? It was absolutely hilarious.
That movie was hilarious! I haven't laughed that hard for a long time.
作者: libra girl    时间: 2005-10-3 16:20
标题: Re: Action English
1、blow someone away=shock, surprise someone 镇住,吓唬某人
Our dragon team this year is so good that we're going to blow all of the other teams away.
The young boy blew his teachers away with his intelligence.

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