《工程索引》(The Engineering Index,简称EI)创刊于1884年,是美国工程信息公司(Engineering information Inc.)出版的著名工程技术类综合性检索工具。EI每月出版1期,文摘1.3万至1.4万条;每期附有主题索引与作者索引;每年还另外出版年卷本和年度索引,年度索引还增加了作者单位索引。出版形式有印刷版(期刊形式)、电子版(磁带)及缩微胶片。EI选用世界上工程技术类几十个国家和地区15个语种的3500余种期刊和1000余种会议录、科技报告、标准、图书等出版物。年报道文献量16万余条。收录文献几乎涉及工程技术各个领域。例如:动力、电工、电子、自动控制、矿冶、金属工艺、机械制造、土建、水利等。它具有综合性强、资料来源广、地理覆盖面广、报道量大、报道质量高、权威性强等特点。
Journal of Convergence Information Technology (JCIT) is an internationaljournal published by AICIT. The aim of the journal is to provide fast publication of refereed, high quality original research papers in all branches of the convergence technologies and its applications.JCIT focuses on the theories/technologies/architecture and its applications on the various aspects of advances in convergence and hybrid Information Technology.
ISSN: 1975-9320
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA) is a refereed, multidisciplinary journal for bridging the latest advances in the digital content technologies and its applications. It provides and international forum for presenting authoritative references, academically rigorous research, and case studies. The journal publishes well-written and academically validated manuscripts in both theoretical development and application research.
ISSN: 1975-9339
International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT) is published four times in a year by the AICIT. The goal of the IJACT is to publish peer reviewed original research result-oriented, survey, review, tutorial papers in the various fields of Advancements in Computing Technologies.
High quality submissions that advance the research and that contribute something new to the literature on Computing & Information Technology are encouraged. The special focus of the IJACT forum is to publish path-breaking applications and applied research results.
ISSN: 2005-8039
Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS). It is a premium international journal on all areas related to the Theory, Development, Applications, Experiences, and Evaluation of multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies. Researchers from all around the world can share their experience and knowledge on this event. By publishing this journal we sincerely hope to support further development of these researches and technologies.
ISSN: 1976-3700